Are You Afraid of Being Convicted? Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Law Firm Today
If you are facing DWI charges, drug charges, prostitution-related charges, or assault charges, your situation may seem hopeless. But with a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney on your side, you have the best possible chances of defending your innocence and reaching a favorable resolution.
Throughout his career as an attorney, Jason Trumpler has served as a DUI lawyer on over 100 trials and helped many clients achieve life-changing victories. He is affiliated with various notable organizations, including:
- American Bar Association
- DUI Defense Lawyers Association
- National College for DUI Defense
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
If you have been charged with a crime in Georgetown, Austin, or Travis County, TX, don't delay. Request your free consultation today or get in touch with our Austin or Round Rock offices by calling:
(512) 457-5200

Partial List of Recent Court Victories
in Texas Going Further Back in Time
Client | Court | Date | Case Type / Facts | Result |
P.C. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 01/20 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed |
G.V. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 01/20 | Fail To Id Giving False/Fictitious Info | Dismissed |
J.H. | Wilco # 2 | 01/20 | Driving W/ Lic Inv W/ Prev Conv/Susp/W/O Fin Res | Dismissed |
R.T. | Wilco # 3 | 01/20 | ">Assault Causes Bodily Inj | Dismissed |
C.L. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 01/20 | Sale To Certain Person | Dismissed |
V.D. | Wilco # 3 | 12/19 | Unl Carrying Weapon & Poss Marij < 2oz | Dismissed Upon Successful Completion of PTI |
M.R. | Wilco # 3 | 12/19 | Fail To Identify Fugitive Intent Give False Info | Dismissed |
R.S.B. | 147th District Court | 12/19 | Poss Cs Pg 2 < 1g | Dismissed Upon Successful Completion of Pretrial Diversion |
R.M. | Williamson County 26th District Court | 12/19 | ASSAULT FAM/HOUSE MEM IMPEDE BREATH/CIRCULAT | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor Assault Family Violence |
M.K. | Wilco # 3 | 12/19 | THEFT OF SERV >=$100<$750 | Dismissed |
G.C. | Wilco # 3 | 12/19 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
R.M. | Wilco # 2 | 12/19 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES | Dismissed |
E.C. | Wilco # 2 | 12/19 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
S.T. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 11/19 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed |
D.B. | Wilco # 1 | 11/19 | Driving While Intoxicated | Reduced to Obstruction of Highway Passageway 0.14 breath |
J.T. | Caldwell County District Court | 11/19 | SEX OFF DUTY REGISTRATION | Dismissed |
H.S. | TCC # 7 | 11/19 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Reduced to Obstruction of a Highway Passageway 0.112 Blood |
K.M. | Wilco 368th District Court | 11/19 | POSS CS PG 2 < 1G (THC) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to 12.44b |
C.P. | Caldwell County Court at Law | 11/19 | Violation of EPO | Dismissed |
B.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 10/19 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED BAC >= 0.15
| Reduced to Obstruction of Highway Passageway 0.313 Hospital Blood |
M.T. | Travis County 331st District Court | 10/19 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
C.W. | Wilco # 2 | 10/19 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES | Dismissed |
K.C. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 10/19 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED BAC >= 0.15 Police were called out for a woman passed out in her automobile with the engine running. She had a breath test result of 0.201/0.203. Mr. Trumpler pointed out how the officers immediately jumped to conclusions rather than actually investigating the facts. | After trial, the jury found the client not guilty. |
M.B. | Travis County 147th District Court | 09/19 | POSS CS PG 1 >=4G<200G | Dismissed |
J.G. | Wilco # 1 | 09/19 |
| Dismissed |
D.M.G | Wilco # 3 | 09/19 | Theft Prop >=$100<$750 | Dismissed after successful completion of PTI |
B.H. | Wilco # 2 | 09/19 | Interfer W/Emergency Call | Dismissed |
J.V. | TCC # 8 | 09/19 | Poss Marij < 2oz | Dismissed |
A.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 09/19 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed |
B.H. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 09/19 | Driving While Intoxicated | 6 month deferred on Class C $200 fine and CC |
Y.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 09/19 | Driving While Intoxicated Client Was Pulled Over For Driving Without Headlights And Exhibited Clues Of Being Intoxicated On The Field Sobriety Tests. Mr. Trumpler Pointed Out A Variety Of Problems With The Training Of The Officers And The Way The Investigation Was Conducted. | After jury trial, the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty. |
A.M. | Travis County 403rd District Court | 09/19 | Stalking | Dismissed |
S.G. | Wilco 368th | 08/19 | Agg Assault W/Deadly Weapon | Dismissed |
M.V. | Wilco 368th | 08/19 | Poss Cs Pg 1 <1g (Cocaine) | Dismissed |
C.L. | Wilco 26th | 08/19 | Attempted Sexual Assault | Dismissed |
T.S. | Wilco # 2 | 08/19 | Poss Marij < 2oz | Dismissed |
S.M. | TCC # | 08/19 | Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Violence & Unlawful Restraint | Dismissed |
J.C.M. | TCC # 7 | 07/19 | Unl Carrying Weapon & Possession Of Marijuana >2oz<=4oz | Dismissed |
D.J. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 07/19 | Assault Causes Bodily Inj & Evading Arrest Detention | Dismissed |
S.V. | Williamson County Court at Law # 3 | 07/19 | Poss Cs Pg 1 <1g (Heroin) | Dismissed |
A.S. | Wilco # 1 | 07/19 | Theft Prop >=$100<$750 | Dismissed after successful completion of PTI |
N.P. | Travis County 331sth District Court | 07/19 | Agg Assault W/Deadly Weapon | Reduced to Class A Assault Family Violence |
S.D. | Hays County District Court | 07/19 | Tampering With A Witness & Continuous Violence Against The Family | Reduced to Class A Assault Family Violence |
J.C. | Travis County 403rd District Court | 07/19 | Unauthorized Use Of A Motor Vehicle | Dismissed |
J.G. | Williamson County 26h District Court | 07/19 | Poss Cs Pg 1 <1g (Methamphetamine) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to 12.44b |
R.W. | Fort Hood | 06/19 | Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon & Obstruction Of Justice A Father Fired A Firearm At His Child. Mr. Trumpler Presented A Compelling Case That The Facts Were Not As Simple As They Appeared. | After a 3 day trial in front of an enlisted panel, the panel came back with a verdict of not guilty. |
C.R. | Wilco # 2 | 06/19 | Poss Marij < 2oz | Dismissed |
A.L.R | Wilco # 2 | 06/19 | Sale To Minors | Dismissed |
A.R. | Travis County Justice of the Peace # 5 | 05/19 | Misrepresentation Of Age-Alcohol | Dismissed |
G.O. | Wilco # 2 | 05/19 | Driving W/ Lic Inv W/ Prev Conv/Susp/W/O Fin Res | Dismissed |
B.G. | Wilco # 3 | 05/19 | Poss Marij < 2oz | Dismissed |
R.S.B. | TCC # 7 | 05/19 | Possession Of Marijuana < 2 Oz | Dismissed |
D.C. | TCC # 4 | 05/19 | Assault W/ Injury Fv & Interfer W/Emergency Call | Dismissed with Deferred Prosecution Agreement and Dismissed |
M.B. | Wilco # 3 | 05/19 | Poss Marij < 2oz | Dismissed |
J.M. | Wilco # 1 | 05/19 | Driving W/ Lic Inv W/ Prev Conv/Susp/W/O Fin Res | Wilco # 1 |
S.K. | Travis County JP # 5 | 05/19 | Public Intoxication And Failure To ID | Dismissed |
A.B. | Wilco # 2 | 05/19 | Driving W/ Lic Inv W/ Prev Conv/Susp/W/O Fin Res | Dismissed |
F.J. | Wilco 26th District Court | 04/19 | Poss Cs Pg 1 <1g (Methamphetamine) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to 12.44b |
C.W. | Caldwell County District Court | 04/19 | Theft - SJ | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to 12.44b |
M.T. | 26th District Court | 04/19 | Poss Cs Pg 1 <1g (Heroin) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to 12.44b |
D.S. | TCC # 4 | 04/19 | Viol Bond/Protective Order | Dismissed |
D.S. | TCC # 4 | 04/19 | Assault With Bodily Injury Fv | Dismissed with Def Prosecution Agreement |
E.T. | 277th District Court | 04/19 | Poss Cs Pg 1 <1g (Methamphetamine) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to 12.44b |
R.B. | Wilco # 1 | 04/19 | Dwli/S | Dismissed |
N.T.S | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 04/19 | Theft Prop >=$100<$750
| Reduced to Class C with 6 months deferred disposition |
N.B. | TCC # 4 | 04/19 | Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Violence | Dismissed w/ Deferred Prosecution Agreement |
Client | Court | Date | Case Type / Facts | Result |
W.M. | Comal County Court at Law | 04/19 | Criminal Mischief >=$750 < $2,500 | Dismissed |
A.R. | Wilco # 3 | 04/19 | POM | Dismissed |
K.W. | 427th District Court of Travis County | 04/19 | POCS (THC) | Dismissed |
J.G. | Wilco # 3 | 03/19 | POM | Dismissed |
B.L. | Wilco # 2 | 03/19 | Assault Causes Bodily Injury FV | Dismissed |
D.J.Z | Wilco # 1 | 03/19 | POM | Dismissed |
N.L. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 02/19 | Violation of a Protective Order & TERRORISTIC THREAT OF FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD | Dismissed |
R.R. | Wilco # 1 | 02/19 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES | Dismissed |
R.R. | Wilco 368th District Court | 02/19 | POSS CS PG 2 >= 1G<4G (THC) 3rd Degree Felony | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
J.C. | Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct # 5 | 02/19 | Misrepresentation of Age | Dismissed |
T.S. | Wilco # 3 | 02/19 | Assault Causes Bodily Injury FV | Dismissed |
W.R. | Wilco # 2 | 02/19 | Assault Causes Bodily Injury FV | Dismissed |
D.E. | Wilco # 2 | 02/19 | POM | Dismissed |
G.T. | Wilco # 2 | 02/19 | DWI | Dismissed |
B.K. | TCC # 6 | 01/19 | PROSTITUTION | Dismissed |
J.G. | TCC # 4 | 01/19 | ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE | Dismissed via Deferred Prosecution Agreement |
M.C. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 01/19 | POSS DANGEROUS DRUG & POSS CS PG 3 < 28G & POSS CS PG 4 <28G | Dismissed |
P.R. | Williamson County Court at Law # 1 | 01/19 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES | Dismissed |
X.L. | TCC # 8 | 01/19 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed and Refiled as Obstruction of a Highway |
J.M. | 26th District Court of Williamson County | 01/19 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G (Methamphetamine) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor Pursuant to 12.44b |
D.P. | 403rd District Court of Travis County | 01/19 | CRUELTY NON-LIVESTK ANIM:KILL/POISON/SBI | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
D.S. | Williamson County Court at Law # 3 | 01/19 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES | Dismissed |
M.G. | 277th District Court of Williamson County | 12/18 | POSS CS PG 2 < 1G (THC) | Dismissed |
S.M. | TCC # 4 | 12/18 | INTERFERENCE W/ EMERGENCY CALL | Dismissed |
W.W. | 147th District Court of Travis County | 12/18 | HARASS PUBLIC SERVANT | Dismissed |
A.A. | TCC # 6 | 12/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed and Refiled as Obstruction of a Highway |
D.H. | Williamson County Court at Law # 3 | 12/18 | THEFT PROP >=$100<$750 | Dismissed |
E.S. | Williamson County Court at Law # 3 | 12/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
B.C. | Williamson County Court at Law # 3 | 12/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
C.T. | TCC # 9 | 12/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed and Refiled as Obstruction of a Highway |
D.B. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 11/18 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES | Dismissed |
N.L. | Lakeway Municipal Court | 11/18 | Assault by Contact | Dismissed |
J.F. | Bastrop County Court at Law | 11/18 | POSS MARIJ <2OZ | Dismissed |
B.S. | TCC # 7 | 11/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed & Refiled as a Public Intoxication |
M.A. | 26th District Court of Williamson County | 10/18 | BURGLARY OF HABITATION | Dismissed & Refiled as a Criminal Trespass |
J.R. | 26th District Court of Williamson County | 10/18 | ASSAULT FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD MEMBER PREV CONV IAT | Dismissed |
C.H. | Travis County Felony Mag Court | 10/18 | CRIMINAL TRESPASS | Dismissed |
C.M. | Travis County Felony Mag Court | 10/18 | POCS PG 2 < 1G | Dismissed |
S.M. | 427th District Court of Travis County | 10/18 | Agg. Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon (Knife) | Dismissed |
M.M | Williamson County Court at Law # 1 | 10/18 | Terroristic Threat | Dismissed |
P.P. | 167th District Court | 9/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G | Dismissed |
S.G. | TCC # 6 | 9/18 | POSS MORE THAN 1 ID | Dismissed |
W.C. | Wilco 26th | 8/18 | State Jail POSS CS PG 2 < 1G (THC) | Dismissed (Refiled as Class B Misdemeanor POM) |
C.C. | Travis CC # 4 | 8/18 | Assault with BI FV | Dismissed with Def Pros Agreement |
J.S. | Fayette CC at Law | 8/18 | DWI 2nd Offense | Dismissed (12.45ed into at DWLI) |
J.G. | San Marcos Municipal | 8/18 | Public Intoxication | Dismissed |
P.R. | Austin Community Court | 8/18 | Public Intoxication | Dismissed |
S.C. | Wilco 368th | 8/18 | UNAUTH USE OF VEHICLE | Dismissed (Refiled as misdemeanor attempt) |
J.L. | Travis CC # 5 | 8/18 | Prostitution | Dismissed with Deferred Prosecution Agreement |
K.R. | Austin Community Court | 08/18 | Public Intoxication | Dismissed |
H.P. | Wilco CC # 1 | 08/18 | Assault with BI | Dismissed |
T.K. | Wilco CC # 2 | 07/18 | Assault with BI FV | Dismissed |
T.K. | Wilco CC # 2 | 07/18 | DWLI | Dismissed |
P.S. | Wilco CC # 2 | 07/18 | Possession of a Dangerous Drug | Dismissed |
P.S. | Wilco CC # 2 | 07/18 | DWLI Dismissed | Dismissed |
S.C. | TCC # 7 | 07/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
J.S. | TCC # 7 | 07/18 | CRIMINAL TRESPASSING | Dismissed (Refiled as a Class C – Given a deferred) |
J.T. | TCC # 3 | 07/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
J.T. | TCC # 3 | 07/18 | DWLI | Dismissed |
Z.R. | TCC # 5 | 07/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
A.P. | Travis 147th District | 07/18 | THEFT >=$1,500<$20K | Dismissed |
A.P. | Travis 147th District | 07/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G | Dismissed |
H.R. | Caldwell District | 07/18 | Injury to a Child | Dismissed |
D.B. | Wilco 368th | 07/18 | POSS CS PG 2 < 1G (THC) (State Jail Felony) | Dismissed (Plead to a reduced charge of a Class A Misdemeanor was given a time served sentence) |
E.C. | Wilco CC # 3 | 06/18 | DWLI | Dismissed |
A.M. | Wilco CC # 3 | 06/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
A.M. | Wilco CC # 3 | 06/18 | POSS CS PG 3 < 28G | Dismissed |
S.D. | TCC # 3 | 06/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed (Client Plead to an Obstruction) |
L.R. | Caldwell District | 06/18 | Child Endangerment/Theft | Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor |
K.H. | Travis 390th District Court | 06/18 | ASSAULT FAM/HOUSE MEM IMPEDE BREATH/CIRCULAT | Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor |
S.J. | TCC # 8 | 06/18 | Assault with BI x 2 | Reduced to Class Cs (Client given deferred on both) |
J.M. | TCC # 9 | 06/18 | TERRORISTIC THREAT CAUSE FEAR OF IMMINENT SBI | Dismissed with Deferred Pros Agreement |
J.M. | TCC # 9 | 06/18 | Unlawful Carry | Dismissed |
J.M. | TCC # 6 | 06/18 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed (Client Plead to an Obstruction) |
J.M. | TCC # 6 | 06/18 | DWLI | Dismissed |
C.B. | TCC # 3 | 06/18 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed (Client Plead to an Obstruction) |
C.B. | TCC # 3 | 06/18 | Accident Involving Damages | Dismissed |
H.O. | Travis 427th District Court | 05/18 | Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle | Dismissed |
N.L. | TCC # 3 | 05/18 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed |
O.M. | TCC # 6 | 05/18 | IMPERSONATE SECURITY OFFICER | Dismissed (Refiled as a Class C) |
W.L. | Wilco CC # 3 | 05/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
J.R. | Wilco CC # 2 | 05/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
A.R. | Wilco CC # 2 | 05/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
G.T. | Wilco 26th | 05/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G (Methamphetamine) | Reduced 12.44b and closed |
L.K. | TCC # 7 | 04/18 | THEFT PROP > $750 < $2500 | Dismissed |
A.B. | Wilco CC # 3 | 04/18 | CRIMINAL TRESPASS | Dismissed |
C.C. | Wilco 368th | 04/18 | POSS CS PG 2 < 1G (THC) | Dismissed (Plead to a reduced charge of a Class A Misdemeanor was given a time served sentence) |
C.R. | Wilco 368th | 04/18 | FRAUD USE/POSS IDENTIFYING INFO # ITEMS < 5 | Dismissed |
B.T. | Wilco 368th | 04/18 | POSS CS PG 1 >= 1G < 4G (Meth.) | Dismissed |
A.L. | Wilco 368th | 04/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G (Cocaine) & POSS MARIJ >4OZ<=5LBS | Reduced 12.44b |
S.T. | Wilco 368th | 04/18 | POSS CS PG 2 < 1G (Heroin) | Reduced 12.44b |
M.L. | Travis 331st District Court | 04/18 | POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE | Dismissed (12.45ed into DWI) |
T.O. | TCC # 7 | 04/18 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed (Client plead to an Obstruction) |
A.P. | Lampasas District Court | 04/18 | Possession of a Controlled Substance F2 (THC) In an amount of four grams or more but less than 400 grams | Dismissed (Motion to Suppress Granted) |
S.B. | TCC # 5 | 04/18 | ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJ & CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >=$100<$750 | Reduced to Class C Assault Mischief Dismissed |
N.O. | Wilco 26th | 04/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G (Methamphetamine) | Reduced 12.44b |
A.G. | Wilco 26th | 04/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G (Meth.) | Reduced 12.44b |
M.M. | Wilco 368th | 03/18 | FRAUD USE/POSS IDENTIFYING INFO # ITEMS < 5 | Dismissed |
J.D. | TCC # 4 | 03/18 | Assault with BI with FV | Dismissed |
A.G. | Leander Municipal Court | 03/18 | Disorderly Conduct | Dismissed |
P.M. | Travis 427th District Court | 03/18 | ARSON CAUSING BODILY INJURY/DEATH | Dismissed (Plead to Criminal Mischief) |
M.E. | Travis 427th District Court | 03/18 | POCS < 1 G | Dismissed (12.45ed into DWI) |
J.J. | Travis 299th District Court | 03/18 | POSS CS PG 1 <1G | Reduced to Class A Criminal Attempt |
S.Z. | TCC # 6 | 03/18 | THEFT >=$50<$500 | Dismissed |
R.H. | Wilco 26th | 03/18 | ASSAULT FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD MEMBER PREV CONV IAT | Reduced to Class A |
R.S. | Wilco CC # 1 | 03/18 | Terroristic Threat | Dismissed |
N.R. | TCC # 5 | 03/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND | Dismissed |
L.L. | Cedar Park Municipal Court | 05/18 | Assault | Dismissed |
C.M. | San Saba District Court | 03/18 | POCS (THC) | Dismissed |
R.H. | Wilco CC # 3 | 02/18 | ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE X 2 | Dismissed |
J.Y. | Wilco CC # 2 | 02/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Dismissed (Client Plead to an obstruction) |
A.P. | TCC # 7 | 02/18 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed (Client Plead to an Obstruction) |
T.E. | TCC # 5 | 02/18 | False Statement to Obtain Credit | Dismissed |
C.C. | TCC # 7 | 02/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
P.E. | Wilco CC # 1 | 02/18 | Driving While Intoxicated | Dismissed |
J.M. | TCC # 5 | 02/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
R.H. | TCC # 8 | 02/18 | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
A.M. | Wilco CC # 2 | 02/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
M.S. | Wilco CC # 3 | 02/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
T.C. | Caldwell District Court | 02/18 | Tampering/Evading | Reduced 12.44b |
F.H. | Travis 450th District Court | 01/18 | DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE | Dismissed (12.45ed into TAMPER/FABRICATE PHYS EVID W/INTENT TO IMPAIR |
A.R. | Caldwell District Court | 01/18 | Theft | Reduced to Class A |
S.B. | TCC# 6 | 01/18 | Assault with BI and Criminal Mischief | Reduced to Class C Assault. Criminal Mischief Dismissed. |
J.B. | TCC # 7 | 01/18 | Assault with BI and Resisting Arrest | Reduced to Class C Assault with deferred. Resisting dismissed. |
F.W. | Travis County 331st District Court | 01/18 | POSS CS PG 2 >= 1G<4G (THC) | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
L.M. | Bastrop County Court at Law | 01/18 | POSS MARIJ < 2 OZ | Dismissed |
J.F. | Travis County 427th District Court | 01/18 | Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle | Dismissed |
J.M. | Wilco 26th | 01/18 | ASSAULT FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD MEMBER W/PREV CONV | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
J.L. | Wilco CC # 2 | 12/17 | INTERFER W/EMERGENCY CAL | Dismissed |
C.W. | Wilco 277th | 12/17 | ASSAULT FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD MEMBER W/PREV CONV | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
J.J. | Caldwell District | 12/17 | Theft Prop >= $2500 < $30K | Dismissed |
J.C. | Caldwell District | 12/17 | Assault | Reduced to Class A Misdemeanor |
A.W. | TCC # 8 | 12/17 | ACCIDENT INVOLVING DAMAGE TO VEHICLE>=$200 | Not Guilty |
C.T. | Wilco CC # 3 | 11/17 | DWI | Dismissed |
P.S. | Wilco CC # 3 | 11/17 | POSS CS NOT IN PG | Dismissed |
P.S. | Wilco CC # 1 | 11/17 | DRIVING W/ LIC INV W/ PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES & POSS MARIJ < 2OZ | Dismissed |
K.B. | Wilco 277th | 11/17 | SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER LIFE/ANNUALLY | Dismissed |
K.B. | Wilco CC # 3 | 11/17 | Reckless Driving | Dismissed |
B.S. | TCC # 7 | 11/17 | Unlawful Carrying of Weapon | Dismissed |
A.G. | Wilco 277th | 11/17 | ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE | Dismissed |
Client | Court | Date | Case Type / Facts | Result |
J.H. | Wilco 277th | 12/13 | Assault with BI on an elderly | Dismissed |
P.P. | Austin Municipal Court | 12/13 | Pub Intox | Dismissed |
S.K. | TCC # 3 | 12/13 | Racing on a Highway | Dismissed |
J.S. | SOAH | 12/13 | ALR Hearing | Dismissed |
A.G. | SOAH | 12/13 | ALR Hearing | Dismissed |
C.H. | Wilco 26th | 12/13 | Tampering with evidence | Dismissed |
J.S. | Austin Community Court | 11/13 | Pub Intox | Dismissed |
T.S. | Wilco 368th | 11/13 | POCS | Dismissed |
Z.W. | TCC # 7 | 10/13 | POM | Dismissed with completion of a drug class. |
S.S. | Wilco 368th | 10/13 | Unlawful Discharge of a firearm | Dismissed |
J.S. | TCC # 5 | 10/13 | Assault with B.I. x 2, Resisting Arrest | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution |
S.H. | Caldwell County Court at Law | 10/13 | POCS | Dismissed |
J.C. | Wilco # 2 | 10/13 | Assault Family Violence | Dismissed |
C.O. | Hays County Court at Law | 9/13 | Felony POCS (Originally District Court) | Felony dismissed in exchange for plea on misdemeanor |
A.B. | Hays County Court at Law | 9/13 | Felony POCS (Originally District Court) | Felony dismissed in exchange for plea on misdemeanor |
S.L. | TCC # 7 | 9/13 | Assault with Bodily Injury | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution |
B.M. | TCC # 3 | 9/13 | POM | Dismissed upon completion of a drug class |
J.R. | TCC # 7 | 9/13 | Theft by Check | Dismissed with restitution up front |
T.S. | Wilco # 2 | 9/13 | POM | Dismissed |
K.R. | Wilco # 2 | 9/13 | Assault Family Violence | Dismissed with affidavit of non- prosecution and 8 hours of community service up front |
M.M. | TCC # 3 | 9/13 | DWI | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution |
C.S. | Travis County Mag Court | 9/13 | Dismissed | |
C.B. | TCC # 8 | 9/13 | DWLI/S | Dismissed |
R.R. | TCC # 4 | 9/13 | Assault Family Violence | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution |
A.E. | Wilco # 1 | 9/13 | Assault Family Violence | Dismissed with anger management up and community service up front |
F.S. | TCC # 4 | 9/13 | Felony Assault Family Violence | Felony Dismissed . Client plead guilty to a misdemeanor |
D.C. | TCC # 7 | 8/13 | DWI BAC 0.13/0.14 | DWI dismissed. Client plead to an obstruction of a highway passageway |
K.P. | TCC # 7 | 8/13 | DWI | DWI dismissed. Client plead to an obstruction of a highway passageway and was given 15 months deferred adjudication community supervision |
P.T. | Bell County CPS Court | 8/13 | CPS Matter | Dismissed |
E.G. | Caldwell County Court at Law | 8/13 | Class A Theft | Dismissed with restitution up front |
S.B. | Hays County Court at Law | 8/13 | DWI | DWI dismissed. Client plead to obstruction of a highway passageway and was given deferred adjudication community supervision |
J.N. | TCC # 6 | 8/13 | DWI | DWI dismissed. Client plead to an obstruction of a highway passageway and was given 18 months deferred community supervision |
A.O. | TCC # 7 | 7/13 | Theft by Check | Dismissed with restitution up front |
D.B. | 299th District Court | 7/2013 2nd | Degree Felony Assault with Bodily injury on an elderly (defendant committed the same offense on the same victim on two separate dates) | Dismissed |
D.B. | 299th District Court | 7/2013 | 2nd Degree Felony Assault with bodily injury on an elderly individual | Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor Assault Family Violence |
F.A.A. | TCC #7 | 6/13 | Assault with Bodily Injury | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
T.P. | TCC #7 | 6/13 | Resisting Arrest | Dismissed |
D.A. | Wilco #1 | 6/13 | POM | Reduced to Class C |
S.T. | TCC # 3 | 6/13 | Theft of Service | Dismissed |
N.R. | Hays County Court at Law | 6/13 | Pass emergency vehicle with bodily harm. | Dismissed |
A.G. | Bell County Court at Law | 6/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed |
K.R. | Bell County Court at Law | 6/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed |
R.F. | Bell County Court at Law | 6/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed |
L.Y. | TCC # 6 | 6/13 | Criminal Mischief | Dismissed |
M.S. | TCC # 7 | 6/13 | Public Lewdness | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
C.B. | Bell County Court at Law | 6/13 | POM | Dismissed |
L.N. | Bell County Court at Law | 6/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed |
A.P. | Wilco #3 | 6/13 | Violation of a protective order. | Dismissed |
M.C. | TCC # 4 | 6/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
D.C. | Bastrop County Court | 6/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed |
M.S. | TCC # 7 | 5/13 | DWI | Reduced to obstruction. |
M.S. | TCC # 7 | 5/13 | POM | Dismissed |
D.K. | 147th District Court | 5/13 | Theft | Case dismissed with restitution up front. |
J.H. | Bell County Court | 5/13 | DWI | Dismissed |
J.H. | Bell County Court | 5/13 | Assault family violence. | Dismissed |
J.W. | Wilco #3 | 5/13 | DWLI/S | Dismissed |
G.B. | Bexar County 144th District Court | 5/13 | 2 counts of aggravated robbery. | Dismissed |
A.O. | 299th | 5/13 | Theft | With restitution up front dismissed |
M.C. | Williamson County 26th District Court | 5/13 | Burglary of a habitation | Reduced to misdemeanor theft. |
M.B. | 26th District Court | 5/13 | Theft with two prior convictions. | Reduced to misdemeanor theft. |
N.L. | TCC # 6 | 4/13 | DWI 0.11 breath test. | Reduced to an obstruction. |
H.C. | Hays County Court | 4/13 | Official Oppression | Dismissed |
R.S. | TCC # 3 | 4/13 | Assault Family Violence | Dismissed |
R.S. | TCC # 3 | 4/13 | Theft by check | With restitution up front dismissed |
R.S. | Travis County 147th District Court | 3/13 | Sexual Assault | Dismissed |
M.O. | Williamson County 368th District Court | 3/13 | POCS | Felony dismissed. Pled guilty to a misdemeanor attempt. |
S.P. | Williamson County Court # 2 | 3/13 | POM | Dismissed |
J.D. | TCC # 6 | 2/13 | Assault causing bodily injury x 2 | Dismissed |
C.B. | TCC # 6 | 2/13 | Assault causing bodily injury x 2 | Dismissed |
J.W. | Wilco 26th District Court | 1/13 | Assault with Bodily with Family Violence by impeding breath. | Reduced to a misdemeanor. |
C.C. | TCC # 8 | 1/13 | DWLI | Dismissed |
R.S. | Travis County 147th District Court | 1/13 | Sexual Assault | Dismissed |
J.H. | TCC # 6 | 12/12 | DWI | Dismissed |
J.T. | Taylor County 104th District Court | 11/12 | Sexual Assault | Not Guilty after jury trial. |
J.D. | TCC # 5 | 11/12 | Interfer W/Police Serv Animal | Dismissed |
J.G. | Wilco # 3 | 11/12 | DWLI | Dismissed |
J.A. | TCC # 5 | 10/12 | Theft | Dismissed |
Y.P.A. | TCC # 8 | 10/12 | Assault causing bodily injury | Dismissed |
T.E. | Bell County Court at Law | 10/12 | DWI | Case dismissed on day of trial. |
C.E. | TCC #7 | 10/12 | DWLI | Reduced to Class C Failure to Display and given a deferred. |
S.A. | TCC #3 | 10/12 | Theft x 2 | Both cases dismissed |
M.P.V. | Wilco #3 | 9/12 | Assault with Bodily Injury Family Violence | Dismissed |
C.M. | TCC # 8 | 9/12 | DWI | Dismissed in exchange for 18 months deferred on an obstruction of a highway passageway. |
M.R. | Hays County Court at Law | 9/12 | Assault with Bodily Injury Family Violence | Dismissed |
B.E. | TCC # 6 | 9/12 | POM | Dismissed |
A.A. | Hays County Court at Law | 9/12 | DWI | Dismissed |
C.C. | Fort Hood Federal Magistrate | 8/12 | DWI and Unlawful Entry | Reduced DWI to DUI and Dismissed Unlawful Entry |
M.M. | Brown County 35th District Court | 8/12 | State Jail POM Client offered two years state jail before trial | After trial the client was found not guilty of felony POM and guilty of Class B POM and given 90 days county. |
T.L. | Wilco # 2 | 8/12 | POM | Dismissed |
M.K. | Wilco # 1 | 8/12 | DWLI and Possession of a Dangerous Drug | Dismissed |
F.K. | Hays County Court at Law | 8/12 | Theft Class A | Dismissed on trial date. |
N.C. | TCC # 8 | 7/12 | POM and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm | Dismissed |
C.L. | TCC # 8 | 7/12 | Criminal Mischief | Not Guilty after jury trial |
M.H. | Bell County Court at Law | 7/12 | DWI | Dismissed on day of trial |
M.S. | TCC # 6 | 7/12 | DWI | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
G.C. | TCC # 3 | 7/12 | Assault Causing Bodily Injury | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
W.R. | Wilco # 1 | 7/12 | DWLI | Dismissed |
S.F. | TCC # 8 | 6/12 | POM | Dismissed |
C.W. | TCC # 5 | 6/12 | Sale to a Minors - Alcohol | Dismissed |
M.A. | TCC # 8 | 6/12 | POM and POCS | Dismissed |
B.N. | Wilco 368th | 6/12 | Credit Card Abuse | Dismissed in exchange for a plea to class B theft |
J.P. | TCC # 5 | 5/12 | POM | Reduced to Class C with 90 days deferred with 15 hour drug class up front. |
M.A. | TCC # 8 | 5/12 | POM | Case dismissed. |
M.A. | TCC # 4 | 5/12 | Assault with BI | Case dismissed. |
W.D. | TCC # 8 | 5/12 | Theft of Service | Case dismissed. |
L.S. | Wilco # 3 | 5/12 | DWI | Dismissed. Reduced to Class C |
M.P. | TCC # 4 | 5/12 | Assault w/BI FV | Case dismissed. |
J.M. | TCC # 5 | 5/12 | POM | Dismissed in exchange for 6 months deferred on a class C possession of paraphernalia. |
B.E. | TCC # 6 | 5/12 | Assault w/BI | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
N.N. | TCC # 6 | 5/12 | POM | Case dismissed. |
J.M. | TCC # 8 | 4/12 | Assault w/BI | Case dismissed. |
F.M. | TCC # 3 | 4/12 | Assault w/BI | Case dismissed. |
M.P.V. | Wilco # 3 | 4/12 | Assault w/BI FV | Case dismissed. |
C.J. | TCC # 6 | 4/12 | Evading Arrest Detention | Dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
J.M. | TCC # 4 | 4/12 | Assault w/BI FV | Dismissed with anger management up front. |
G.U. | Travis County 427th District Court | 3/12 | Probation Revocation | Case dismissed. |
M.H. | Hays County District Court | 3/12 | Credit Card Abused | Reduced to misdemeanor theft with a deferred adjudication probation. |
B.I. | TCC # 7 | 3/12 | POM. | Reduced to deferral on Class C possession of paraphernalia with 15 hour drug class up front. |
G.U. | Bell County Court at Law | 3/12 | Misd. POCS | Case dismissed. |
T.P. | Wilco # 2 | 2/12 | Criminal Trespass | Case dismissed. |
S.S. | TCC # 5 | 2/12 | DWLI | Case dismissed. |
T.B. | Wilco # 2 | 2/12 | Failure to ID | Case dismissed. |
J.D. | TCC # 3 | 2/12 | POM. | Dismissed in exchange for 20 hours of community service. |
L.R. | Wilco # 3 | 2/12 | Criminal Trespass | Reduced to Class C Attempt Criminal Trespass |
M.F. | Burnet County District Court 2/12 | 2/12 | Client faced with life for being a habitual offender. | Client plead guilty to one state jail theft charge and was given 1 year state jail. |
G.U. | Bell County 426th District Court | 1/12 | Poss Marij >4OZ<=5LBS | Reduced to a Class A POM. Given credit for time served. |
J.I. | Comal County Court at Law # 2 | 1/12 | POM | Reduced to a Class C possession of paraphernalia. 180 day deferred disposition. |
S.G. | Wilco # 1 | 1/12 | POM | Case dismissed. |
M.A. | Wilco # 3 | 1/12 | 2x misd. POCS | Case dismissed. |
B.P. | TCC # 5 | 1/12 | Resisting Arrest Search | Reduced to a Class C Disorderly conduct with 20 hours community service up front. |
A.A. | TCC # 3 | 1/12 | POM | Dismissed in exchange for 15 hour drug class. |
K.G. | Caldwell County Court | 12/11 | Client charged with Class B POM. | Case dismissed. |
P.E. | Wilco #1 | 11/11 | Client charged with assault family violence for a skirmish with his roommate. | Case dismissed. |
F.A. | Wilco 277th District Court | 11/11 | Client charged with felony destruction of evidence. | Case dismissed. |
C.M. | Lee County Court | 10/11 | Client charged with Class B DWLS and Class A Possession of a Dangerous Drug. | Case dismissed in exchange for pre-trial intervention. |
M.A. | Wilco 26th | 10/11 | Client charged with felony pocs. | Case dismissed. |
E.M. | TCC # 5 | 10/11 | Client charged with DWI. | DWI dismissed. Client pled to Obstruction of a Highway Passageway. |
K.H. | TCC # 3 | 10/11 | Client charged with a DWI. She blew a 0.10 and a 0.11. | Case dismissed. |
T.D. | TCC # 4 | 10/11 | Client charged with assault family violence for an altercation with his girlfriend at a Motel 6. | Case dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
D.M. | TCC # 8 | 10/11 | Client charged with Resisting Arrest and Interfering with Public Duties over an altercation with police. | Case dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
A.L. | TCC # 8 | 9/11 | Client charged with Class A Possession of a Dangerous Drug. | Case dismissed. |
A.K. | TCC # 8 | 9/11 | Client charged with Class B Possession of Marijuana. | Case dismissed. |
R.F. | 403rd District Court | 9/11 | Client charged with felony evading for a high speed chase going the wrong way on Mopac. | Case dismissed. |
D.S. | Hays County Court | 9/11 | Client charged with assault family violence and interfering with an emergency call. | Case dismissed. |
E.J. | TCC # 7 | 9/11 | Client charged with driving on a suspended license. | Case dismissed. |
G.L. | Comal County Court at Law # 2 | 9/11 | Client charged with Class B theft by check. | Class B reduced. Client pled to Class C theft by check and was given a deferred disposition. |
C.C. | Wilco 26th District Court | 9/11 | Client charged with felony possession of marijuana over 4 ounces less that 5 lbs. | Felony dismissed. Client pled guilty to Class POM and was given deferred adjudication probation. |
L.G. | TCC # 4 | 8/11 | Client charged with assault family violence. | Case dismissed. |
T.K. | Bell County | 8/11 | Client charged with felony pocs. | Case dismissed. |
J.B. | Wilco 368th | 7/11 | Client charged with felony pocs. | Case dismissed. |
G.S. | Wilco CC #2 | 7/11 | Client charged with misdemeanor POM. | Case dismissed.. |
V.B. | TCC #4 | 6/11 | Client charged with felony pocs. | Case dismissed. |
S.W. | Bell County 27th District Court | 6/11 | Client charged with felony theft. | Felony dismissed. Client pled to misdemeanor theft with restitution up front and was given deferred adjudication probation. |
M.S. | Wilco 26th District Court | 6/11 | Client charged with a felony Hindering Apprehension. | Felony dismissed. Client pled to a Class A misdemeanor. |
L.C. | TCC #6 | 6/11 | Client charged with a DWLI | DWLI dismissed with occupational license in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
M.S. | Wilco 277th District Court | 5/11 | Client charged with felony possession of heroin. | Felony dismissed. Case reduced to a Class A misdemeanor. |
J.M. | TCC #6 | 5/11 | Client charged with a DWI. He had two prior obstructions. | DWI dismissed. Case reduced to an Obstruction of a Highway Passageway. |
K.R. | Wilco #3 | 4/11 | Client charged with evading arrest. | Case dismissed. |
E.D. | Wilco #3 | 4/11 | Client charged with misdemeanor assault family violence. | Case dismissed. |
N.K. | TCC #3 | 4/11 | Client charged with Class B POM. | Case reduced to a Class C possession of paraphernalia. Client given a deferred disposition. |
G.U. | Bell County 427th District Court | 4/11 | Client charged with felony possession of marijuana over 4 ounces. | Client pled to a misdemeanor POM with time served. |
J.H. | TCC #3 | 4/11 | Client charged with DWI. | DWI dismissed. Case reduced to Obstruction of a Highway. Client given a deferred adjudication probation. |
O.M. | Caldwell County Court | 4/11 | Client charged with Class B Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass. | Case reduced to a Class C Disturbing the Peace. |
P.B. | TCC #4 | 4/11 | Client charged with misdemeanor family violence for assaulting her daughter. | Case dismissed. |
R.S. | TCC #3 | 3/11 | Client had two pending DWIs | One DWI dismissed in exchange for a plea to the second. |
S.G. | TCC #3 | 3/11 | Client charged with POM Class B | Reduced to Class C Paraphernalia. Client given a deferred disposition. |
T.B. | Wilco 368th | 3/11 | Client charged with a state jail felony for pocs. | Case dismissed. |
K.R. | Wilco 277th | 3/11 | Client charged with felony delivery with a controlled substance. Had a prior. Sentencing range was 15-Life or 99. | Client sentenced to 5 years on a reduced charge after filing a motion to suppress. |
J.R. | Wilco 368th District Court | 3/11 | assault family violence . | Reduced to a misdemeanor assault family violence . |
S.S. | Washington County | 2/11 | Original charge felony POCS and misdemeanor possession of marijuana. | Plead guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana given time served. |
C.C. | SOAH | 2/11 | ALR Hearing | Case Dismissed. |
L.H. | Caldwell County | 2/11 | Possession of Marijuana Class B | Reduced to a Class C Possession of Paraphernalia. Client was given a deferred disposition. |
V.G. | Wilco CC #2 | 2/11 | theft by check | Restitution up front and dismissal. |
J.C. | Travis County Court at Law #4 | 1/11 | Assault Family Violence | Case dismissed in exchange for a deferred prosecution agreement. |
C.M. | Hays Co. | 1/11 | Client charged with resisting arrest. | Resisting arrest dismissed. Client given deferred adjudication on a Class C Disorderly Conduct. |
A.R. | SOAH | 1/11 | ALR Hearing | Case dismissed. |
H.V. | Travis County Court at Law #5 | 1/11 | Client was pulled over, had been drinking and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. We argued that the results of the FSTs were suspect due to the client's age. | DWI dismissed. Client placed on deferred adjudication probation on an obstruction of a highway. |
K.P. | Travis County Court at Law #4 | 12/10 | Assault/Family Violence . Client was a female that allegedly assaulted fiancé at a hotel. Her fiancé had a torn collar and scratches on this neck. | Client did community service up front and the case was dismissed. |
E.W. | Hays County Court at Law | 10/10 | Client charged with DWI. Client involved in a major accident. Client had objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Client did not do field sobriety tests or provide a breath or blood test. | Case dismissed. Client pled to an obstruction of a highway passageway. |
S.R. | Travis County Court at Law #6 | 09/10 | Client charged with DWI. Poor driving. Decent performance on FSTs. Admitted to two Purple Margaritas from Baby A's. | Case dismissed. Client pled to an Obstruction of a Highway Passageway. |
S.W. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 09/10 | theft by Check Client paid restitution. | Case dismissed. |
T.A. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 08/10 | Assault with bodily injury. Client allegedly involved in a brawl outside of a bar in Austin. Injuries to the purported victims. Client paid restitution up front. | Case dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
T.H. | Travis County Court at Law # 3 | 08/10 | Assault with bodily injury. Client allegedly assaulted ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend at a club in Austin. Alleged victim claimed to be injured.. | Case dismissed in exchange for deferred prosecution. |
L.S. | Denton County Court | 08/10 | Theft by Check - Client charged with theft by check for writing a bad check to renew her registration. | Case dismissed after numerous calls with Denton County Attorney after the initial offer was 1 year deferred adjudication probation. |
J.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 08/10 | DWI 2nd and POM - Client pulled over for speeding. Poor FSTs. | DWI 2nd reduced to an obstruction of a highway passageway. POM dismissed. |
E.G. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 08/10 | Assault with Bodily Injury Family Violence - Female client allegedly attacked husband after seeing him kiss another woman at a family party. | Case dismissed with anger management and community service up front. |
G.M. | Williamson County Court at Law # 1 | 08/10 | DWI 2nd, Assault with Bodily Injury Family Violence, and False Information to a Peace Officer. Client was charged with Assault / Family Violence for driving away while his roommate was holding onto his car trying to put a dog in through the passenger window. Client drove away dragging roommate along the pavement. Client bond forfeited and later was arrested while driving. Client had objective symptoms of intoxication but preformed reasonably well on FSTs. Client lied about his name knowing there was a warrant for the assault. | DWI 2nd reduced to an obstruction, family violence finding waived on the assault, and client pled on the false information. |
M.D. | Travis County 427th District Court | 07/10 | 3rd Degree Felony - POM - Client charged with possession of marijuana sufficient to justify the 3rd degree charge. | Felony dismissed. Client pled to Class A Misdemeanor POM and was given deferred adjudication probation. |
H.R. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 07/10 | DWI and Possession of Marijuana - Client was stopped for speeding. Client had objective symptoms of alcohol use. He performed ok on the FSTs. | The DWI and POM were dismissed and the client pled guilty to an obstruction of a highway passageway. |
C.R. | Travis County Court at Law # 3 | 06/10 | DWI - Client charged with DWI after driving the wrong way on a one way street. Client had objective symptoms of alcohol use. She was wobbly on her feet and apparently argumentative with the officer. The video had no audio so you could not hear her speech or what she was saying to the officer. She refused all FSTs and a chemical test. | Case Dismissed. (Client pled guilty to driving the wrong way on a one-way and was given a deferred.) |
J.S. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 06/10 | Client charged with possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia in Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct # 5. | The POM was dismissed and client was given a deferred on the possession of paraphernalia. |
D.P. | Travis County Court at Law #6 | 06/10 | Serving alcohol to a minor - Client had a party at his home in which alcohol was served to many minors. | Dismissed after he completed an alcohol server's course. |
W.B. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 06/10 | Possession of Marijuana Client has less than 2 ounces on his person. | Case reduced to a Class C possession of paraphernalia. Client was given a deferred. |
I.A. | Bell County Court at Law # 2 | 05/10 | DWI - Client charged with a DWI. Stopped for speeding on a motorcycle. Poor FSTs. 0.090 and 0.103 breath on the Intoxilyzer 5000. | Case Dismissed. |
J.T. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 05/10 | DWLI - Client charged with DWLI. | The case was reduced to a Class C Failure to Display. This saved the client on surcharges. Client was only required to pay a fine. |
M.L. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 05/10 | theft by Check - Client wrote a check without having sufficient funds and failed to pay the check when he was notified. | Dismissed. |
J.W. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 05/10 | DWI 2nd - Client was charged with a second DWI. He was involved in a traffic collision. He admitted to drinking. Performed ok on the FSTs. | The case was reduced to an obstruction of a highway passageway. |
L.S. | Travis County Court at Law # 3 | 05/10 | DWI - Client charged with DWI. Client ran a red light. She performed poorly on FSTs. She admitted to drinking and was crying throughout the incident. | The case was reduced to an obstruction of a highway passageway. |
C.K. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 05/10 | Assault with bodily injury family violence - Client kicked in the door of her bedroom. Her husband had locked himself in the bedroom and allegedly scratched up his face. | The case was dismissed in lieu of deferred prosecution with alcohol treatment and anger management. |
R.G. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 04/10 | Client charged with DWI. Client involved in a traffic collision. Client had objective symptoms of alcohol use. Client performed poorly on Field Sobriety Tests. Client also had a significant leg injury. | The case was reduced to an obstruction. |
J.R. | 147th District Court | 04/10 | Client charged with 3rd degree felony possession of Marijuana. | Case reduced to Class A Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana. |
R.R. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 04/10 | Client charged with theft by check for a check he wrote to HEB. | Case dismissed with proof of restitution. |
R.C. | 331st District Court | 04/10 | Client charged with a second degree felony assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly pointing a handgun at another driver in a threatening manner in a road rage incident. | Case Dismissed. |
M.T. | Caldwell District Court | 04/10 | Client charged with assault on a child for an altercation at the basketball court where he allegedly attacked a child during a basketball game. | Case Dismissed. |
C.C. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 04/10 | Client charged with a theft of jeans from Sears. | Case dismissed in exchange for pre-trial diversion. |
C.G. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 03/10 | Client charged with driving on a suspended license. | With proof of 6 months pre-paid insurance and clear driver's license case was dismissed. |
R.H. | 427th District Court | 03/10 | Client charged with 3rd degree felony of assault family violence with a prior for an assault on his roommate. | Case reduced to a class A Misdemeanor. |
A.C. | TCC #7 | 02/10 | Client charged with DWI. Client was involved in a traffic collision. Objective symptoms of DWI and poor performance field sobriety tests. | Case reduced to obstruction of a highway passageway. |
L.T. | Ft. Hood | 02/10 | Sergeant charged with assault with a deadly weapon on a girlfriend and two domestic violence issues. | One domestic violence charged was quashed at the Article 32 Hearing. The remaining charges were dismissed with a chapter out of the military. Client was given a general discharge and will retain VA benefits. |
R.S. | Kendall County District and County Court | 02/10 | Client charged with felony burglary. | Case reduced to Class A Misdemeanor Assault. |
S.S. | 427th | 01/10 | 29 year-old client charged with 2nd degree felony sexual assault on a child for allegedly having sex with his 15 year-old baby sitter. | Case reduced to 3rd degree felony injury to a child with no sex registration. |
B.H. | Caldwell District Court | 01/10 | Client charged with felony DWI with children in a car. He was pulled over for excessive speed. Objective symptoms and poor performance of field sobriety test. | Case reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor first DWI. |
O.E. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 01/10 | Client charged with DWI. Client pulled over for speeding. Objective symptoms of DWI. Okay performance on field sobriety tests except for nearly falling after the turn on the walk and turn test. | Case dismissed in exchange for a deferred prosecution. |
R.R. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 12/09 | Charged with assault family violence | Client plead to Class "C" simple assault. |
A.J. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 12/09 | Client charged with Class B Possession of Marijuana. | Case reduced to Class C possession of paraphernalia. Client was given a deferral. |
T.V. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 11/09 | Client charged with assault family violence on boyfriend. | Case dismissed in exchange for an 8 hour anger management class and 10 hours of community service. |
K.R. | Bexar County Court | 10/09 | Client charged with DWI. Objective symptoms of DWI and poor performance on field sobriety tests. | Case reduced to an obstruction. |
D.R. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 10/09 | Client charged with DWI. Objective symptoms of intoxication. Client was under 21. Client also performed poorly on the field sobriety tests. | Case reduced to an obstruction |
K.K. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 09/09 | Client charged with DWI prescription drugs. Objective symptoms and poor performance on FSTs. Officer was not a drug recognition expert. | Case dismissed. |
C.B. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 09/09 | Client charged with DWI. Client was under 21. Client was involved in a traffic collision. Client has objective symptoms of intoxication and performed poorly on Field Sobriety Tests. | Case reduced to an obstruction. |
S.C. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 04/09 | Charged with assault family violence | Client plead to Class "C" simple assault. |
P.B. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 04/09 | Charged with assault family violence | Case was dismissed upon completion of 8 hours of "Any Baby Can." |
M.S. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 04/09 | Charged with multiple trespassing and assault charges. Client was mentally ill. | Upon completion of MHMR classes and progress reports all cases were dismissed. |
K.S. | Austin Municipal Court | 04/09 | K.S. was facing charges for window peeping. The alleged victim was a 15 year-old girl. The alleged victim identified client as the person who was peeping through her window. | The case was dismissed. |
J.W. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 04/09 | J.W. was facing DWI 2nd charges. He performed poorly on the FSTs. Video looked average. He did not provide a chemical test. | The DWI was dismissed and client plead guilty to an obstruction of a passageway. |
I.L. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 04/09 | He performed well on the FSTs and looked great on video. He did not provide a chemical test. | DWI was dismissed and client plead guilty to a Class "C" failure to stop at a stop sign. |
L.C. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 04/09 | Client was charged with a DWI. Client was pulled over for improper lane change. He had objective symptoms consistent with alcohol use. Client asked to perform FST. We argued that poor performance was due to age. The client's video was not extraordinary either way. Client refused a blood or breath test. | The DWI was dismissed and the case was reduced to an obstruction of a passageway. |
E.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 8 | 04/09 | Client was charged with a DWI 2nd. Client is a lawyer with a prominent local law firm. Client was pulled over for going the wrong way on a one way street. When client merged into a proper lane of traffic, he nearly collided with another car. Officer smelled alcohol. Client admitted to drinking two beers at a show at Emos and taking anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants. Client refused to do FSTs or give a blood or breath test. The video looked good for our client. | The DWI was dismissed and client plead to an obstruction of a passageway. |
A.M. | Travis County 427th District Court | 02/09 | Client charged with indecency with a minor. | The indecency count was dismissed in exchange for a plea to an injury to a child. |
G.M. | Travis County 147th District Court | 02/09 | Client charged with a degree felony for attempting to pass a fraudulent check. Client had a long history of theft charges and had previously been to state jail. | Argued the client was duped - Felony charges were dismissed and Client Plead Guilty to Class A Attempted Forgery. |
A.F. | Travis County Court at Law # 3 | 02/09 | Client charged with DWI. Client performed poorly on FSTs. Refused chemical test. We brought in report from doctor regarding narcolepsy. | Client pled to obstruction of a passageway and was given 12 months deferred adjudication probation. |
S.B. | 331st District Court | 02/09 | Client charged with the State Jail Felony Evading. Client pled to the reduced charges Class B Misdemeanor Evading. | Client was given credit for time served for the one day he did in jail. |
C.J. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 02/09 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Reporting party had a significant scrape on the neck. | Case dismissed in lieu of deferred prosecution. |
L.F. | Travis County Court at Law # 3 | 02/09 | Client charged with DWI prescription drugs. | Case dismissed with counseling up front. |
K.S. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 01/09 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Husband had a history of violence. | Case dismissed in lieu of deferred prosecution. |
J.S. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 01/09 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. | Case dismissed on day of trial.. |
S.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 10/08 | Female client charged with Assault/Family Violence. She had defensive wounds. | Case dismissed. |
V.V. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 10/08 | - Client charged with DWI. Client did poorly on FSTs. 0.08 blood 2 hours after driving. Client claimed she had stopped drinking long before driving. | Case reduced to Obstruction of a Passageway. |
S.N. | Austin Municipal Court | 09/08 | Client charged with Class C driving on an improved shoulder | The case was dismissed on the day of trial. |
J.B. | Caldwell County Court at Law | 09/08 | Client was charged with theft of Property | |
M.S. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 09/08 | Client charged with Attempt To Commit Burglary Of Building Class A Misdemeanor - Mentally ill client attempted to enter a home. Her intentions were unclear due to her mental status. Burglary is a specific intent crime. | Case dismissed. |
M.M. | In the Justice Court Precinct One, Travis County | 09/08 | Class C Misdemeanor traffic cases dismissed. | Cases dismissed. |
T.C. | 299th District Court Travis County | 08/08 | Client charged with check fraud for attempting to cash fraudulent check. Argued, the client was duped at Pre-Trial. | Case Dismissed. |
T.N. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 08/08 | Female client charged with Assault Family Violence. | The case was dismissed in lieu of deferred prosecution. |
R.F. | SOAH | 08/08 | ALR Hearing | Case dismissed. |
M.B. | SOAH | 08/08 | ALR Hearing | Case dismissed. |
M.G. | SOAH | 08/08 | ALR Hearing | Case dismissed. |
L.W | SOAH | 07/08 | ALR Hearing | Case dismissed. |
R.B. | Austin Municipal Court | 06/08 | Client charged with Misdemeanor Class C - Disorderly Conduct Fighting for a fight with his wife's ex-husband at Chuck E. Cheese | Not guilty verdict after trial by jury. |
S.B. | Austin Municipal Court | 05/08 | Client charged with Class C speeding, and two counts of failure of intent to change lanes | All charges dismissed on date of trial. |
S.K.. | Austin Municipal Court | 05/08 | Client charged with Misdemeanor Class C Public Intoxication. Her friend, who had the client's identification on her at the time, was the arrested one and pled guilty to the charge. | I was able to undo the plea by the client's friend and to get case dismissed as to both parties. |
N.N. | Travis County Court at Law # 5 | 05/08 | Client charged with DWI First. Client did fair on FSTs. Client was pulled over at close to 2 a.m. Client informed officer that she drank on and off from 10:30 a.m. until 12 a.m. Client refused chemical test. | Case reduced to Obstruction of a Passageway. Client was given 12 months deferred adjudication probation. |
S.L. | Williamson County Court at Law # 2 | 04/08 | Client charged with Possession of Marijuana <2Oz | The case was dismissed. |
J.G. | Travis County Court at Law # 7 | 04/08 | Client charged with False ID for giving incorrect date of birth to police officer. Client was underage and had been drinking. | Case was dismissed with an alcohol class and 16 hours of community service. |
C.F. | Williamson County Court at Law # 1 | 04/08 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence for allegedly hitting her husband's head with a cabinet door cutting his head open. | Case dismissed. |
R.F. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 04/08 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence for allegedly strangling an ex-girlfriend with a seatbelt. | Case dismissed. |
K.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 3. | 04/08 | Client arrested for DWI. Blood test came back 0.08. | Client plead guilty to reduced charge of obstruction of a passageway and was give 18-months deferred adjudication probation. |
N.K. | 403rd District Court | 04/08 | Client charged with passing a forged check over $800 at Walmart. | Case dismissed. |
R.R. | 390th District Court | 04/08 | State filed Motion to Revoke Probation for a failure to complete terms and conditions of probation and for new Class A Assault/Family Violence Case. | After an initial offer of 9-months State Jail the judge reinstated client on probation. |
R.R. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 04/08 | Client charged with Class A Assault/Family Violence. | Case reduced to Class C Assault. Client plead guilty with $200 fine. |
S.N. | Austin Municipal Court - 03.08 | 03/08 | Client charge with Class C Misdemeanor speeding. | The case was dismissed on the day of trial |
C.G. | Williamson County Court at Law # 1 | 03/08 | Client charged with Theft Prop>=$20<$500 By Check | The case was reduced to a Class C Misdemeanor. |
M.M. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 03/08 | Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor Assault/Family Violence. Client had long criminal history. | Case reduced to Class C Assault. Client plead guilty with time served. |
J.C. | Hays County Court | 03/08 | Appointed to represent client on Misdemeanor DWI. | After two meetings with a Deputy District Attorney the Hays County District Attorney's Office chose not to pursue charges. |
J.S. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 03/08 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. | Deferred Prosecution with counseling as recommended. |
S.B. | Travis County Court at Law # 4 | 03/08 | Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. | Deferred Prosecution with counseling as recommended. |
J.E. | Travis County Court at Law # 6 | 01/08 | Client charged with DWI. Client performed poorly on field sobriety tests and had a blood alcohol level over a 0.20. | The case was dismissed. |
C.H. | SOAH | 12/07 | Client was facing 90 day license suspension. She was involved in a traffic collision. She performed poorly on the field sobriety tests. She had a blood alcohol level of a 0.16. | The case was dismissed. |
T.B. | Travis County Court | 10/07 | Client was charged with criminal mischief for vandalizing a car. Total damage exceeded $220. | Case dismissed with restitution paid. |
V.V. | SOAH | 09/07 | ALR Hearing | The case was dismissed. |
K.S. | SOAH | 08/07 | Client was facing an ALR suspension for a driving while intoxicated charge through DPS. Client was pulled over for speeding and performed poorly on field sobriety test. | The case was dismissed. |
K.R. | Travis County Court | 08/07 | Client was charged with a Class A Misdemeanor Possession of a Dangerous Drug due to the fact that she had several loose pills in her purse when she was arrested for Public Intoxication. | The case was dismissed. I was able to prove client had an active prescription at the time pills were found. |
Zach G. | Travis County District | 1/07 | Motion to Revoke Class A Misdemeanor Probation for numerous violations including dirty tests, failure to pay fines/fees, and failure to complete community service. | Probation revoked and reinstated with no additional penalties. |
Zach G. | Travis County District | 1/07 | Motion to Revoke Class A Misdemeanor Probation for numerous violations including dirty tests, failure to pay fines/fees, and failure to complete community service. | Probation revoked and reinstated with no additional penalties. |
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