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Theft Defense Lawyer Jason Trumpler Can Protect Your Rights and Your Freedom

court proceeding If you are accused of criminal theft, the government has the burden of proving you guilty as charged. Theft defense lawyer Jason Trumpler in Austin, TX, can help you avoid a theft conviction and related consequences.

At Trumpler Law, we focus on Texas criminal defense law exclusively, and our record of results is a testament to our performance in the courtroom. Please contact our office online or call (512) 457-5200 to schedule a consultation.

What Constitutes Theft?

The Texas penal code defines theft as unlawful appropriation with intent to deprive the owner of property. “Depriving,” is withholding property from the rightful owner in specific ways:

  • The deprivation must be permanent or for such an extended period that the rightful owner loses a large portion of value and enjoyment from the property.
  • Deprivation may include refusal to return property unless in exchange for payment of a reward or other compensation.
  • If property is disposed of in a manner that makes it unlikely the owner will recover it, the owner is considered deprived of the property.

Theft Charges

Depending upon the value of the property in question and other factors, theft can be a misdemeanor or felony charge. If the accused has a prior conviction, the classification may be changed and the consequences increased. There are three classifications of misdemeanor theft:

Value of Stolen Property/Service  Potential Penalties
Class C  Less than $50 $500 Fine
Class B $50-$499*  $2,000 Fine, 180 Day in Jail
Class A $500-$1,499 $4,000 Fine, 1 Year in Jail
*(or property is driver's license/I.D. card)

For property values of $1,500 but less than $20,000 (or for specific property types, such as a firearm) the charge is State Jail Felony Theft. The potential punishment is severe, including incarceration for up to two years and a fine of up to $10,000.

There are three categories of Texas felony theft: 

Stolen Property Value  Potential Penalties
 Third Degree     $20,000 - $99,999  2-10 years in prison, $10,000 Fine
Second Degree $100,000-$199,999 2-20 year sentence, $10,000 Fine
First Degree $200,000 or more  5-99 years in prison, $10,000 Fine

Civil Penalties

The Texas Theft Liability Act adds potential civil court penalties onto criminal theft charges. An adult (or parent of a minor) can be held liable for a victim’s monetary losses. If a plaintiff sues and wins, he or she is entitled to collect actual damages for the value of stolen property in addition to a penalty award and recovery of legal fees and costs. This applies both ways, however: the defendant’s legal fees and costs are covered by the plaintiff if the suit proves unsuccessful.

If you are accused of theft, there are many reasons to defend yourself. The help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer can prove invaluable. 

Stand With Trumpler Law

You can count on Jason Trumpler to explore every possible defense on your behalf, and to hold the state accountable for questionable accusations and evidence. Our office will promptly request all exculpatory evidence, or material that is favorable to you. Upon request by your defense lawyer, the prosecutor has a legal duty to seek out, review, and provide this material. If you have been charged with any type of theft, our firm can help. 

Contact Us

Are you facing theft charges or an accusation of another property crime? Please contact us online or call (512) 457-5200 today to schedule an appointment.

Jason Trumpler

The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler

Jason Trumpler has handled thousands of criminal cases over nearly 20 years. He is a current or past member of several national, state, and local legal associations, including:

  • American Bar Association
  • Austin Bar Association
  • Williamson County Bar Association
  • National College for DUI Defense®
  • Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers' Association
  • National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  • Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
  • DUI Defense Lawyers Association

Contact our firm online or call us at (512) 457-5200 for a free case review.

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