person arrested for marijuana possession

Marijuana Defense Lawyer

In Texas, marijuana possession can be a serious crime resulting in significant jail time and far-reaching consequences. If you have been arrested for possession, marijuana defense lawyer Jason Trumpler in Austin, TX, can help you fight the charge.  Our attorney has spent years providing criminal defense to Austin clients, having taken over 100 cases to trial in his career. 

Call Now to Defend Yourself

Marijuana charges in Texas are serious. A drug conviction can interfere with current or future employment, student loans, your apartment lease, and more. Our phone lines are open 24/7 so we can help with jail release and start fighting cannabis charges as soon as possible. We offer free consultations, and offices in both Round Rock and Austin, TX.

Austin, TX, Relies On
Our Defense Lawyer


Quyette Gunter

Austin TX


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My experience with Jason was very professional and he meant business.. handle what he needed to handle and got my felony charges dismissed

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Dee Eubanks

Austin TX


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Jason & Team are amazing!!!! They helped my little brother on two felony cases one of which was completely dismissed the other was reduced to a misdemeanor! I am forever thankful to The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler!

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Texas Takes Marijuana Seriously

Unlike many other states in the U.S., Texas still regards all forms of marijuana as illegal. In the context of Texas law, possession refers to an individual who has marijuana in his "care, custody, control, or management." As such, whether or not the substance belongs to you, you can still be held accountable if police find it in your car or residence.

For legal purposes, marijuana includes any type or part of a cannabis plant, including leaves and seeds. Similar to other drug charges in Texas, the penalty for possession is determined by the amount of marijuana found in your car, home, or on your person. Our marijuana defense attorney provides this chart so you can know what punishment you may be facing:

Possession Charge Maximum Penalty
Up to 2 ounces Class B Misdemeanor 180 days in jail, $2,000 fine
2 - 4 ounces Class A Misdemeanor 1 year in jail, $4,000 fine
4 ounces - 5 pounds State Jail Felony 2 years in jail, $10,000 fine
5 - 50 pounds Third Degree Felony 10 years in prison, $10,000 fine
50 - 2,000 pounds Second Degree Felony 20 years in prison, $10,000 fine
More than 2,000 pounds First Degree Felony Life in prison, $50,000 fine

Mr. Trumpler Is a Proven

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Jason Trumpler provides aggressive defense representation throughout central Texas. He has handled thousands of drug cases and spent countless hours in the courtroom earning court victories. In addition, he has worked as a narcotics prosecutor and trained law enforcement officers, so he understands the tactics often used against defendants

Mr. Trumpler draws upon his extensive background in drug cases to mount the best possible defense. For a first offense misdemeanor marijuana charge, we can often work out a deal to get charges dismissed in exchange for drug treatment. For more serious charges, our attorney pursues every potential avenue with the goal of dismissal or reduced penalties. 

Mr. Trumpler

Criminal Convictions Carry Collateral Consequences

The direct penalties of a marijuana conviction are not all you have to worry about. In addition to potential jail time and fines, you can face serious, long-lasting repercussions if convicted for possession of any amount of marijuana. These include:

Driver's License Suspension

If you are 21 years of age or older, your driver's license can be automatically suspended for six months upon conviction. For those under 21 years of age at the time of arrest, this suspension can increase to a full year.

Career Prospects

A conviction on your record can be easily found by a potential employer. Many employers consider any type of drug conviction to be an automatic disqualification for employment.

Loans and Leases

A criminal record can also prevent you from receiving student loans or maintaining current financial aid. These blemishes on your record can even impact an apartment lease.

Jason Trumpler

The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler

Jason Trumpler has handled thousands of criminal cases over nearly 20 years. He is a current or past member of several national, state, and local legal associations, including:

  • American Bar Association
  • Austin Bar Association
  • Williamson County Bar Association
  • National College for DUI Defense®
  • Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers' Association
  • National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  • Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
  • DUI Defense Lawyers Association

Contact our firm online or call us at (512) 457-5200 for a free case review.

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