DWI Basics
If you have been charged with a DWI, or driving while intoxicated, you are likely facing both criminal and civil charges. You are also subject to the legal processes specific to your county, which can be complex. You will need to attend multiple hearings, including an Administrative License Review (ALR) Hearing as well as any criminal proceedings. Jason Trumpler has helped many Austin, TX, residents defend their rights following drunk driving charges. Our team understands how overwhelming this process can be, which is why he handles each case with diligence and personalized attention. Contact us right away to learn more about your legal options.
What Happens After a DWI Arrest?
Each county in Texas has a different way of organizing criminal proceedings. Typically, your case is set for arraignment, which includes the formal reading of the charges leveled against you. You are then required to enter a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest.

The next step is a pre-trial hearing, at which point Mr. Trumpler can negotiate with the state and often facilitate an offer from the prosecution to settle the case. If we reach a resolution, your case may be moved to a plea docket or a change of plea may be entered on the same day of the pre-trial. If we are unable to reach an agreement, then the case will be set for trial.
The court may impose a sentence after the plea bargain is accepted and entered in pre-trial or after a conviction at trial. Sentences vary from civil to criminal charges and may include fees, fines, community service, alcohol classes, or even jail time. The team at our offices in Austin and Round Rock, TX, understands the intricacies of defending vehicular crime and DWI cases throughout Central Texas and can guide you through all stages of the process.
What Is an ALR Hearing?
Upon arrest, an officer will typically provide you with a Notice of Suspension. This document provides you with a timeframe delineating when your license will become invalid. However, if you request an ALR hearing within 15 days of being served with a Notice of Suspension, you may be able to maintain your driving rights until your hearing. Mr. Trumpler can request the hearing for you and gather the necessary documentation to increase your chances of retraining your driving privileges. If your license is suspended at the hearing or because you failed to request an ALR hearing, you may be able to request and secure an occupational license.
Typical Reductions
DWI sentences can range from a misdemeanor to a second degree felony charge in more extreme circumstances. These sentences can carry substantial consequences including jail time and significant fines. However, by hiring a DWI attorney who understands the typical reductions offered in these cases, you may be able to lower your sentence and avoid considerable changes to your quality of life.
At our offices, we have extensive knowledge of DWI defense, including the types of reductions available and how to file for them.
In a DWI case, the most common reduction secured is an Obstruction of Highway Passageway. While obstruction is still a Class B misdemeanor and carries the subsequent penalties, it is a lesser offense than a DWI conviction. An obstruction can reduce your fines and eliminate surcharges. Moreover, unlike a DWI offense, you are eligible for an early termination of deferred adjudication, which is a type of community supervision. If you successfully complete community supervision, you may be able to get an Order of Nondisclosure two years after you are discharged. This places a limited seal on your arrest records, so they do not appear on typical background checks. In some cases, a DWI can be reduced almost to the point of dismissal and classified as a traffic violation or other Class C misdemeanor.
Why Choose Us?
In the last five years, Mr. Trumpler has tried more than 100 DWI/ DUI cases in both Texas and California and has developed a strong litigative edge. Mr. Trumpler is respected by prosecutors, the bench, and his peers for his courtroom acumen. At our offices, we have extensive knowledge of DWI defense, including the types of reductions available and how to file for them. We can also help you retain your license with an ALR hearing. If you were recently charged with a DWI or DUI, contact us online or call (512) 457-5200 as soon as possible to discuss your case with a member of our team.