Travis County Traffic Ticket Lawyer and Travis County Traffic Ticket Attorney
Traffic Ticket Representation and Class C Misdemeanor Representation

Traffic Ticket Defense Attorneys and Class C Misdemeanor in Travis County in Travis County and the City of Austin
- Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1
- Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2
- Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct 3
- Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4
- Travis County Justice of the Peace Precinct 5
- Austin Municipal Court
- Austin Community Court
- Round Rock Municipal Court
- Dripping Springs Municipal Court
- West Lake Hills Municipal Court
- Rollingwood Municipal Court
- Sunset Valley Municipal Court
- Bee Cave Municipal Court
- Pflugerville Municipal Court

- Q: What kind of cases do you handle?
- A: We handle all types of criminal defense matters, from low-level traffic tickets to capital murder.
- For purposes of this blog, I will focus on our representation of traffic tickets and Class C Misdemeanors.
- In this realm, we routinely handle speeding tickets, no insurance tickets, cell phone ordinance tickets, driving while license invalid, or suspended (DWLI/S ) "tickets." In the area of Class C Misdemeanors, we routinely handle public intoxication cases, "minor in possession of alcohol" cases, "minor in consumption of alcohol" cases, misrepresentation of age, and possession of paraphernalia cases.
- For purposes of this blog, I will focus on our representation of traffic tickets and Class C Misdemeanors.
- A: We handle all types of criminal defense matters, from low-level traffic tickets to capital murder.
- Q: How can I submit my ticket to your office?
- A: You can come in person to the above address during the posted business hours. You may also e-mail your ticket to us at or fax your "ticket" to 512-399-5612. Please be sure to include your phone number and e-mail when faxing or e-mailing your "ticket" to us so that we can contact you to process payment with your credit or debit card and send you an intake. We will not reach out to the court about your ticket or Class C representation without speaking to you first.
- Q: Is there a charge for you to represent me for my ticket?
- A: Yes, typically for a traffic violation, we charge $300. Our fees for more serious Class C Misdemeanors can vary depending on the court and the offense.
- Q: Will I have points on my driving record?
- A: We make every effort to ensure that you do not have points on your license. Generally, we do this by negotiating some sort of deferred disposition. In some cases, this may not be possible, but we will work to reduce the total number of points or take your case to trial if necessary.
- Q: Do I have to go to court?
- A: Generally speaking, you do not. If you are minor, and it is an alcohol-related case, you may. Also, once your case is on the trial docket, you must.
- Q: After the court date, do you contact me, or do I contact you?
- A: The court will likely reset your court date once you contact us. Generally speaking, most courts have an attorney appearance docket that is separate from the general appearance docket. We will keep you notified of all dates, though you most likely will not have to appear. We will notify you via e-mail of any new court dates and any offers received on the case.
- Q: What if I have a "warrant?"
- A: We can generally get a warrant recalled in most courts. Very few courts require the use of a bail bondsman to get a "warrant recalled" for a traffic violation or class c misdemeanor. In some cases, we may charge an additional fee to recall a warrant due to the fact we are required to post a substantial bond.
- Q: What if I get another traffic ticket?
- A: Please come back. While we will be there for you every time, we don't recommend getting a lot of traffic tickets.