Driving While License Invalid or Suspended (DWLI or DWLS)
CONTACT US TODAY AT 512-457-5200
If police have pulled you over operating a motor vehicle with an invalid or suspended drivers' license, you could be subject to stiff penalties, including fees, jail time, and more extended license suspension periods. Drivers' licenses can be made invalid or suspended for many reasons, such as failure to appear in court or a conviction of certain crimes.
It is not uncommon for individuals facing driving while license invalid or suspended (DWLI/S) to be completely unaware that the DPS suspended their drivers' license. However, this is not an acceptable legal excuse. It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that their drivers' license is in good standing.
You may have your drivers' license suspended for a variety of reasons, such as certain criminal convictions (like a DWI), car accidents, or excessive moving violations.
If you the State has accused of a DWLI, you must mount a strong legal defense to increase your chances of having the charges either reduced or ultimately dismissed.
Potential Penalties
If an officer pulls you over with an invalid license, you will not be allowed to drive your car away. A friend or relative with a "valid license" will need to retrieve both you and your vehicle, or law enforcement will impound your vehicle.
In the State of Texas, a DWLI is a potential Class C Misdemeanor with a fine of up to $500. If the State has you have previously convicted you of a DWLI, a second a DWLI is a potential Class B Misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 Days in the County Jail and a fine of up to $2,000.
Additionally, a DWLI can carry other stiff financial penalties. To legally drive again, you will need to obtain a document from your auto insurance provider, called an SR-22. An SR-22 can be costly. You may also be required to pay other criminal fees, court costs, and reinstatement fees.
Contact Us at 512-457-5200
If the State has accused you or someone you know of a
DWLI, we can help.
Jason Trumpler is an experienced
criminal defense attorney who has been
practicing law for 20-years throughout Texas and California, including Travis,
Williamson, Bastrop,
Caldwell, Lee, Burnet,
Bell, and Hays counties. Contact our office today at
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