The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler

Fines and Fees Associated with DUI/DWI Convictions in Texas

Mar 15, 2014 @ 03:12 PM — by Jason Trumpler, P.C.
Tagged with: Drunk Driving Legal Fines

Drunk driving needs to be taken very seriously. People who are arrested and charged with a DUI/DWI deserve a fair shake from the law to ensure that the justice system works right for everyone. While you can potentially go it alone following a drunk driving arrest, having a criminal defense attorney on your side is crucial for most DUI cases. Attorneys well versed in DUI/DWI law understand various facets of these kinds of cases and will be able to provide you with solid counsel every step of the way.

There are numerous penalties associated with DUI/DWI cases. Right now, we'd like to focus on the fines and monetary penalties that are associated with drunk driving cases. This will give you a solid idea of how serious the state takes such matters.

Are fines a common part of drunk driving charges?

Yes. In addition to mandatory incarceration, license suspension, and possible installation of an ignition interlock device, fees and monetary penalties are all common in drunk driving convictions. The exact amount will be determined by the circumstances of your case.

Below are some of the basic penalties that apply to drunk driving arrests/convictions.

Fees and Penalties for First Offense DUI/DWI

For first offense DUI/DWI, the fines are not allowed to be in excess of $2,000. With this in mind, there is a special exception if a minor is present in the automobile at the time of the DUI/DWI arrest. In such cases, the fines for DUI/DWI can be as high as $10,000.

In addition to the initial fines, the State of Texas also requires that an annual surcharge be collected for three years on top of a fee for the driver's license to be reinstated. These annual charges can range from $1,000 to $2,000.

Fees and Penalties for Second Offense DUI/DWI

For second offense DUI/DWI, the fines are not allowed to be in excess of $4,000. If a minor is present in the automobile, this fine can go up as with first offense DUI/DWI. As with first offense DUI/DWI, an annual surcharge is collected for three years, with the total amount being up to $2,000.

Fees and Penalties for Third Offense DUI/DWI

For third offense DUI/DWI, fines for the offense can be as high as $10,000. Again, endangering a minor in the vehicle can lead to harsher monetary penalties simply given the nature of the case. As with all other DUI/DWI convictions, there is an annual surcharge collected for three straight years that can be as high as $2,000.

How Our Lawyers Can Help You In Your Time of Legal Need

DWI defense team will help you make the best choices regardng your legal options, which means helping reduce fines, fees, and other kinds of penalties when possible. We will also help you make smart decisions with regard to plea bargains and reduced sentencing so that you can help restore your life to normalcy as soon as possible.

Learn More About Drunk Driving and Legal Defense Matters

If you would like to learn more about all of the fines and penalties associated with drunk driving convictions, and what we can do to help you in your time of legal need, be sure to contact our Austin, TX drunk driving and criminal defense lawyers today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person, allowing you to have a fair hearing, and helping you achieve ideal legal outcomes given your case.